Best Crops to Grow in Mandsaur During 42°C Summer Temperature

Mandsaur, a district in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, is known for its hot and dry summers. With temperatures soaring to a blistering 42 degrees Celsius, selecting the right crops to grow can be a challenge. However, with careful planning and the right choices, farmers can ensure a bountiful harvest even in such harsh conditions. In this article, we'll explore the best crops to cultivate in Mandsaur's summer heat and provide practical tips for successful farming.

Best Crops to Grow in Mandsaur During 42°C Summer Temperature
Best Crops to Grow in Mandsaur During 42°C Summer Temperature

Understanding Mandsaur’s Summer Climate

Mandsaur experiences a semi-arid climate, characterized by extremely hot summers and minimal rainfall. The average summer temperature hovers around 40-42°C, with sporadic showers that provide little relief. This climate can pose significant challenges to agriculture, as high temperatures and limited water availability stress crops.

Key Factors for Choosing Summer Crops

When selecting crops for Mandsaur's scorching summer, consider the following factors:

Temperature Tolerance

Crops must withstand high temperatures without wilting or reducing yield. Heat-tolerant varieties are essential.

Water Requirements

Opt for crops with low to moderate water needs to cope with Mandsaur's limited rainfall.

Soil Compatibility

Ensure the chosen crops are suitable for the local soil conditions, which are typically sandy to loamy.

Top Summer Crops for Mandsaur


Millet is a hardy grain that thrives in hot and dry conditions, making it ideal for Mandsaur.

Varieties of Millet
  • Pearl Millet
  • Finger Millet
  • Foxtail Millet
Benefits of Growing Millet

Millet is drought-resistant, requires minimal water, and provides a high yield. It's also nutritious, rich in proteins, and can be used for various culinary purposes.


Sorghum is another excellent crop for high-temperature regions.

Varieties of Sorghum
  • Grain Sorghum
  • Sweet Sorghum
  • Forage Sorghum
Benefits of Growing Sorghum

Sorghum is highly drought-tolerant and can thrive in poor soil conditions. It's versatile, used for food, fodder, and industrial purposes.

Maize (Corn)

Maize is a popular crop that can be grown successfully in hot climates with proper care.

Varieties of Maize
  • Dent Corn
  • Flint Corn
  • Sweet Corn
Benefits of Growing Maize

Maize is fast-growing and provides a significant yield. It's a versatile crop used for food, animal feed, and various industrial products.

Groundnut (Peanut)

Groundnuts are well-suited for Mandsaur's summer, requiring less water and tolerating high temperatures.

Varieties of Groundnut
  • Virginia Group
  • Runner Group
  • Spanish Group
Benefits of Growing Groundnut

Groundnuts enrich the soil with nitrogen, improve soil fertility, and provide a valuable protein source.

Sesame (Til)

Sesame is a heat-tolerant crop that can flourish in Mandsaur's summer.

Varieties of Sesame
  • White Sesame
  • Black Sesame
  • Brown Sesame
Benefits of Growing Sesame

Sesame requires minimal water and care. It's rich in oil and nutrients, making it a profitable crop.


Sunflowers are known for their resilience to heat and ability to grow in various soil types.

Varieties of Sunflower
  • Oilseed Sunflower
  • Non-oilseed Sunflower
Benefits of Growing Sunflower

Sunflowers are drought-resistant and provide oil, seeds, and ornamental value. They also improve soil health by adding organic matter.

Additional Tips for Successful Summer Farming in Mandsaur

Efficient Water Management

Implement drip irrigation or sprinkler systems to conserve water and ensure efficient usage.

Soil Health and Fertility

Regularly add organic matter like compost or manure to maintain soil fertility and structure.

Pest and Disease Control

Monitor crops regularly for pests and diseases, and use organic or chemical control methods as needed.

Use of Mulching and Shade

Apply mulch to retain soil moisture and use shade nets to protect crops from extreme heat.


Growing crops in Mandsaur's hot summer requires strategic planning and the right crop selection. Millet, sorghum, maize, groundnut, sesame, and sunflower are excellent choices that can withstand high temperatures and limited water supply. By understanding the local climate and implementing efficient farming practices, farmers can achieve a successful and productive harvest.


What are the most drought-resistant crops for Mandsaur? Millet, sorghum, and sesame are among the most drought-resistant crops suitable for Mandsaur.

How can I improve soil fertility for summer crops? Incorporate organic matter such as compost or manure into the soil to enhance its fertility and structure.

What is the best irrigation method for summer crops? Drip irrigation is highly efficient, reducing water wastage and ensuring crops receive adequate moisture.

Can intercropping benefit summer farming in Mandsaur? Yes, intercropping can enhance soil fertility, reduce pest incidence, and increase overall yield.

How to manage pests in high temperatures? Regular monitoring, using resistant varieties, and applying organic or chemical pesticides as needed can help manage pests effectively.

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